Evaluating the Cumulative Benefit of Inspiratory CT, Expiratory CT, and Clinical Data for COPD Diagnosis and Staging through Deep Learning
Lee et al.
This papers used data from 8893 patients in the COPDGene Phase 1 cohort. The authors attempted to use a CNN (convolutional neural network) to estimate spirometric data from CT scans. The spirometric stage predicted by the CNN, using CT scans, showed moderate to good agreement with the reference (standard spirometric staging). The prediction improved with providing clinical data.
CT Radiomics Features Predict Change in Lung Density and Rate of Emphysema Progression
Saha et al
This paper evaluated 4575 subjects based on CT scans and air flow limitations. The authors differentiated rates of decline in lung denities using 4 models - base clinical model, CT density, radiomics and combined features. The radiomics-only model and combined model both outperformed the base clinical model in detecting rapid progressors.
Radiomultiomics: quantitative CT clusters of severe asthma associated with multiomics
Kermani et al.
The paper takes a multi-omic approach and incorporates radiologic, pathologic (biopsy, brushing, sputum) and serologic (blood) information to identify asthma clusters.
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